Medpoint Elastic Adhesive Bandage

From 7.38

Elastic, mono-extensible adhesive bandage with highly porous zinc oxide-based adhesive mass, with yellow central line for alignment. It is applied directly to the skin without the need for a skin protector.

SKU: MP-4-004 MP-4-006, MP-4-128 Categories: , , ,

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This bandage is an elastic, mono-extensible adhesive bandage with that is highly adhesive. Furthermore, it has a yellow central line for alignment. The bandage is made from zinc oxide materials. It is applied directly to the skin without the need for a skin protector. It can be used to aid in the recovery of bruises, sprains and dislocations, as well as issues with tendons and ligaments.


Thanks to its particular structure of the bandage, it can be applied directly on the skin, easily removable even during the application phase. It is applied to the skin and cut to the size required for each individual. It is placed on the area, loosely tightened and then taped down using Zinc Oxide tape.


What are the benefits of an elastic adhesive bandage?

– It is highly porous with strong adhesive
– A yellow central line helps to align the bandage up in the correct position.
– The bandage can be applied to the skin without a skin protector.
– It can help with the recovery of bruise, as well as sprains and dislocations
– It places stable, constant pressure on the area of injury, preventing fluid build up at the site of the injury
– Versatile and multifunctional