All business undertaken by Medpoint Ltd. (hereinafter called the company) as principles, agents, wholesalers, distributors or suppliers, is transacted subject to the following terms and conditions in so far as they or any of them may be modified or varied by the company in writing and every condition herein shall be a condition of all agreements between the company and a contracting party or agent for such a party. No condition imposed by a purchaser or agent will be binding on the company unless specifically accepted by the company in writing.


Payment of account must be made within thirty days of month end in which the goods were supplied and shall be strictly net. Cheques shall be made payable to the company (Medpoint Limited) and not to any individuals. At the end of each calendar month any account which is overdue shall be liable to have interest charged thereon at the rate of 2.5% owed per month. Credit terms offered by the company are thirty days from month end of invoice date, but such terms may be terminated at any time without prior notice by the company whereupon all balances, inclusive of interest, shall become due and owing forthwith. The operation of this term shall be at the companies absolute discretion.

The prices charged are at the date of dispatch of goods. Title of goods does not pass until payment is received in full.

It is an expressed condition of sale that in the event of the company having to recourse to legal action or debt collection agents against the customer in order obtain of outstanding accounts any costs in doing so are payable by the customer on a full indemnity basis and the company shall have the right to charge without notice interest at 2.5% per month, then currently enforce on any overdue accounts for as long as they are overdue.

Prices quoted in this catalogue are correct at the time of publication. However, our prices are regularly reviewed and are subject to change. For confirmation of our current prices please contact our customer service team.


Unless otherwise agreed these conditions of the contract shall be subject and construed in accordance with Irish law and all contracts entered into shall be deemed to have been entered into under the jurisdiction in law of the Republic of Ireland.