Thera-Band Extremity Neoprene Straps


The Thera-Band Extremity Neoprene Straps are strap cuffs that wrap around a limb to serve as an attachment point to either gym equipment or tubing.

Availability: 4 in stock SKU: MP-2-097 Categories: , ,

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The Thera-Band Extremity Neoprene Straps are strap cuffs that wrap around a limb to serve as an attachment point. The straps are then attached to a piece of gym equipment, or a piece of tubing to tie together. They secure around the ankles or wrists to create resistance during a workout without the need for grip strength.

Designed to be used in gyms, rehabilitation centres, physiotherapy centres, or for personal use.


Features of Thera-Band Extremity Neoprene Straps:

– One size
– Adjustable width
– Colour: Black


Check out our Yoga/Pilates Stretching Band.